Frigg frá Haukagili


mare, born 05/2024, bay dun (homozygous for black, brown and dun), fivegaited


F: Kveikur frá Byrgisskarði M: Rán frá Haukagili
FF: Knár frá Ytra-Vallholti (8,47 + first prize for offspring)

MF: Þokki frá Haukagili

FM: Klukka frá Þóroddsstöðum (8,01)

MM: Sókn frá Skarð (F: Ófeigur frá Flugumýri)              


Elegant bay dun filly for sale with great pedigree.


Frigg shows tölt and trot evenly, is fivegaited but we have not seen her in pace yet and is very courageous, open-minded and love to cuddle. She looks to have the potential as a future breeding mare as well as a competition horse for smaller tournaments.

She has long legs and a high shoulder, with a well raised neck which will make it easy for her in the future to get a good form under the rider.


Frigg's father Kveikur frá Byrgisskarði impresses us with his even gait distribution, an elegant yet strongly built conformation with a high neck and last but not least his great character. Kveikur is after the amazing Knár frá Ytra-Vallholti, who not only received 8,47 in his Fizo evaluation (8.68 for ridden abbilities with 9.0 for Tölt, Pace, Character and Walk) but also got the First Prize for offspring at Landsmót 2022.

Kveikur also has a very nice bay dun colour and we measured him with 1.51m hight!


Frigg's mother Rán frá Haukagili is a daughter of our self-bred stallion Þokki frá Haukagili, who has given us many great offspring so far. Rán combines old breeding-lines like Ófeigur frá Flugumýri, Náttfari frá Ytra-Dalsgerði and Vafi frá Kýrholti.


Frigg is bay dun and was tested homozygous for black, agouti and dun which means all of her future foals will be bay dun.


price category: B

